Boy howdy

24 07 2014

Tenaz playing with Hayden.

In the bike-repair business, many great customer stories start off like this: “I was just riding along when …” Having worked at a bike shop, I heard plenty of those stories. As a bike rider, I told plenty of those stories.

So the Spring Creek Basin version goes like this: I was just sitting on a rock under a tree in the shade, hiding from the hot, hot, HOT sunshine, when the magic of the wild decided I was in the right place, and it was the right time. Whew.

Although it looks like handsome Tenaz is waving hello, his attention is all on Hayden, out of the frame to the left. 🙂



7 responses

24 07 2014
Prairie girl

What a wild ride, minus the bike!
The clarity, TJ! It’s like you said, 1 2 3 jump! And then you clicked the shutter.
Great shot of his amazing hooves.

24 07 2014

What a handsome guy!!! Although it appears he needs a ‘hooficure’ for that left front. Hopefully the dry conditions will help him shape it a little better.

24 07 2014

He has been tender on that left front for a little while now. Although I haven’t been able to see it clearly because of the grass, it seems like he may have had an injury that caused his hoof to compensate.

24 07 2014

I like the waving explanation. 🙂 Hayden just happens to be close by. 😉

24 07 2014

Right place/right time. Great shot.

24 07 2014
Lynn and Kathy

This is definitely a sort of wild horse “serendipity” huh?! A very well-deserved reward for one very patient rock-sitter in the heat! Tenaz sure has turned out nicely! Hope he and Hayden are still pals… 🙂

25 07 2014

Great shot. Looks like you were in the right place at the right time. I love his colors – he is a really handsome guy.

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